Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $770K
Lowest Price $190K
Highest Price $2.9M
Total Listings 38
Avg. Price/SQFT $364

Property Types (active listings)

Stretching from Colorado Boulevard east to Holly between Evans and Mississippi avenues, Virginia Village has become the most recent "IT" places to live for younger families and thirty-somethings. Developed in the 1950s and1960s and named after the developer's wife (Virginia), Virginia Village is a well established community, but it is going through a transition. A new generation of residents have given this area a new and energetic vibe. They even brew a community beer through their own Community Hops Program! 

Virginia Village neighborhood offers everything from single family ranch style homes, town homes and apartments, to high-rise office buildings and shopping centers. One of the main attractions to Virginia Village is the architecture of mid-century modern homes in Krisana Park and Lynwood. Angled roof lines, funky shaped windows and horizontally fenced yards bring a unique charm to these properties.  

To start your Virginia Village home search, contact us, we are always available to answer questions about Virginia Village or any other Denver neighborhood!

Contact us today to begin your Virginia Village home search!

Virginia Village